About Hannah

The way to go is not always clear.​

Up to this point, you’ve been a lone voyager, doing everything you can to survive the ever-changing oceans of life.

Navigating out into the open water was exhausting. Weathering the storms and surviving the long, dark nights. You’ve made it this far, but it still seems like such a long way to go. And you’re feeling burnt out.

Starting therapy can feel like sailing into uncharted waters. It’s nerve-wracking and risky. You’ve been steering the ship on your own for so long, it’s not easy to share the burden with someone else.

At the same time, the idea of bringing help aboard the ship offers a glimmer of hope. With an extra pair of eyes to see what you’re missing and a steady hand to help adjust the sails – there’s the chance you might find land and a place to drop the anchor. Exactly what you’ve been looking for.

No matter what’s brought you here, you don’t have to figure it out alone.

When you join our sessions, I want you to exhale—maybe for the first time in a while. There’s no pressure to perform, no need to have the right words, no expectation to be anything other than who you are in that moment.

Whether you’re feeling numb, anxious, drained, or completely unsure of what you even need, we start right where you are. I don’t expect you to have the answers—

I don’t even expect you to know the right questions. My role is to help you make sense of the thoughts that feel tangled, sift through what’s weighing you down, and find a way forward that actually works for you.

Therapy with me isn’t about fixing you—because you are not broken.

It’s about getting curious about the thoughts that keep you stuck, the patterns that feel impossible to break, and the stories you’ve been told (or have told yourself) about who you are.

We’ll explore those together, gently challenging the ones that don’t serve you and making space for the ones that do. Some days, that might look like deep, meaningful conversations about identity, relationships, and self-worth.

Other days, it might mean sitting in the hard stuff without rushing to change it.

And some days? It might mean finding something to laugh about in the middle of it all—because healing isn’t just about the heavy moments; it’s about rediscovering the light ones too.

At first, you might feel unsure, hesitant, or even overwhelmed—

Most people do. But session by session, we’ll create space for your experiences, shift the thoughts that weigh you down, and reconnect with what truly matters to you.

Therapy is a process, and it won’t always be easy, but you won’t be doing it alone. Over time, things start to change.

At first, it might be small—feeling just a little lighter after a session, realizing that self-criticism doesn’t come as naturally as it used to, or catching yourself responding to stress with more self-compassion than before.

Then, bigger shifts take hold. The fears that once dictated your choices lose their grip. The voices that told you that you weren’t enough start to quiet. You begin to trust yourself, to feel comfortable in your own skin, to take up space in a way that feels right for you. That’s the heart of this work—helping you come home to yourself.

You don’t have to have everything figured out before you start therapy—no one does. You just have to take the first step. And whenever you’re ready, I’ll be here, ready to walk (or sail) alongside you.

About Me

I never planned to become a therapist—not at first. ​

But looking back, I can see how every part of my story led me here. I know what it’s like to feel lost, to struggle with identity, self-worth, and the weight of expectations. I know what it’s like to be the person others rely on, even when you’re barely holding it together yourself. And I know how life-changing it is to have someone in your corner who truly sees you.

My journey into this field started with the people who did that for me—my school counselors, the ones who made me feel like I mattered when I was struggling to believe it myself. Their impact stayed with me, long before I ever considered becoming a therapist.

When I finally found my way to psychology, something just clicked. This was the work I was meant to do.

Before joining SFT, I spent years working in mental health—first in residential treatment with kids and teens, then as a case manager helping individuals navigate life’s toughest moments. I saw firsthand how much stigma and isolation can keep people from getting the support they need. I knew I wanted to be part of changing that.

Now, as a therapist, my approach is down-to-earth, warm, and collaborative. I believe therapy should feel like a conversation—not a test, not a lecture, not a place where you have to be anything other than yourself. My goal is to create a space where you feel safe to explore what’s on your mind, without fear of judgment.

My work is rooted in lived experience as much as professional training.

As a single mom and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I understand the complexities of identity, belonging, and navigating a world that doesn’t always make space for you.

I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach—whether we’re working through self-doubt, relationships, life transitions, or anything in between, therapy with me is about finding what works for you.

Therapy is only one part of who I am —

Here are some other things you might be interested in knowing about me:

I’m a book lover (Young Adult fiction, romance, and smut, if we’re being totally honest).

I have 3 cats – Harold (who is aptly named, as the resident, grumpy old man), Fry Kitty (who was found in a dumpster and brought home in a french fry box), and Poe (who is all chaos with a little bit of love).

And, I am someone who unwinds with a good TV binge (yes, I’ve rewatched One Tree Hill more times than I can count).

At the end of the day, therapy is about connection.

It’s about being seen, being heard, and being reminded that you are more than your struggles. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’d love to walk this journey with you.

I’m your shoulder to lean on. Let me help you keep your balance.

The right time to take the first step is now.

Call me at (540) 212-9434 or schedule an appointment online for a free 15-minute consultation.

I’m here to answer your questions and help you decide if I am the right therapist for you.